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Dear CCMS Teachers and staff,
Please take a few minutes to complete this form, as accurately as you can. We've tried to make it short and quick, but also provide the information we want and allow you to be clear about what you want and need. The "Comments" boxes are for anything we forgot to include.
There are 4 broad areas about which we want your input:
  • What teaching/learning resources you have—and are using.
  • What teaching/learning resources you have—but are not using and would give away.
  • What teaching/learning resources you have—but are broken or in need of service/repair/replacement.
  • What teaching/learning resources you don't have but want.
Your Leadership Team
Note: If you are using Internet Explorer (IE) browser, you may not be able to see the survey (here or at Google docs). Any browser other than IE will work, but not IE. (Go figure) If you do not already have Firefox or another browser, download Firefox for free. Then view this page in Firefox and you should be fine.