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Jason Rooney has worked as a math teacher at E A Middle School and at Cesar E Chavez Middle School since its founding in 2005. He has served as Summer School Principal. His office is located in the Main Office on campus. Stop on by if you have any questions or concerns, he--just like everyone here at CCMS--is here to help.
Ricky Maldonado, Assistant Principal

Ricky Maldonado, Assistant Principal

    • Background
      • Taught for 3 ½ year international school in Japan
      • School Counselor for 6 years
      • Administrator for 3 years
      • BA Humanities/Communications 
      • MS Adolescent Counseling in a educational setting
      • 2 Credentials 
        • PPSC
        • Administrator 
    • Leadership Philosophy
My leadership approach centers on empowering educators by providing them with the tools and resources they need to excel. I prioritize empathy and thoughtfulness in customizing support to ensure the success of the entire team.       
    • Discipline Philosophy
I view discipline as an opportunity for learning, where misbehavior is addressed by guiding the child to find a solution. This may involve positive reinforcement or a support plan. No matter the challenge, the focus is on finding an answer, not giving up.
assistant principal pic
ricky maldonado